Sunday, February 3, 2008

Missoula Children's Theatre

Every year at Maple the MCT comes to town for a week of drama boot camp. The team arrives and has try outs after school on Monday they pick parts and begin practicing right away. They practice every night that week ending with a dress rehersal on friday afternoon and a final performance on Friday night. Ellie was chameleon in a zany spinoff of Robinson Crusoe. I think I counted 7 of the Bloemhof cousins who participated. It is a great experience for all the kids involved and I am always excited when Ellie choses to participate. Emma tried out but she was a little shy so she wasn't chosen. Maybe next year!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hey Amy! So excited to see a new post! What fun for Ellie to get the opportunity to be in a play. I hope that she enjoys it. I love the picture below of the rainbow. Everything looks so green!